Sunday, July 12, 2009

5wks post m/c and positive test today?

I had a m/c 5 wks ago at 7wks pg.I m/c naturally and had no d%26amp;c,my dr did a u/s and said my uterus was empty.I bled medium for 1 wk then light for 1wk,on wk 3 i had my period but ever since i still spot at least once every 2 days but usually just a very small amount.I have taken a pregnancy test today at 5wks post m/c and i got a light positive,could this mean im pg again or is it just pregnancy hormone from my m/c?I have been having slight cramping off and on as well.Im not sure what to make of it.I have been haveing intercourse with my partner.

5wks post m/c and positive test today?
It's likely that this is pregnancy hormone still in your body from your previous miscarriage. Your doctor or midwife should probably monitor your hCG levels until they return to normal, and then if you want to try again, let you know when it's safe to do so.

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