Sunday, July 12, 2009

How long does it take to get results for a hepatitis c antibody blood test?

The initial screening test performed by EIA (also called ELISA) methodology is done daily in the major laboratories (LabCorp, Quest etc). My lab runs them twice weekly, so the maximum turn around time (TAT) would be about 4 days. If it's one of the confirmatory tests that follow a positive EIA (such as Immunoblot or PCR) it may take a week or more.

Keep in mind, the TAT for you may be longer than from the lab to the doctor, since he/she will have to review the result before contacting you, and that may add several days to the whole process.

How long does it take to get results for a hepatitis c antibody blood test?
My lab tests these twice weekly also. If it is one of the confirm test the other person was talking about then it takes anywhere from 3-7 days because it is sent out to a reference lab in another state.

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