Thursday, July 9, 2009

Positive Hepatitis C Antibody Test?

I have recently tested positive during a blood test for my visa application. I am 23 yrs old, never had a blood transfusion, never did drugs, I have no tattoos %26amp; no piercings. I can't believe this test as I have no risk factors associated with hepatitis C. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm very worried, but I also have read that for low risk individuals false positives can actually be quite common. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks

Positive Hepatitis C Antibody Test?
There is a percentage of people who don't know how they got it. I would ask for a PCR test; it detects any active virus. 20% of the people who become exposed to HCV clear it on their own; the rest of us go on to have chronic infection. If you get a positive PCR (it will show a number value, like 500,000 or 4 million IU's) , then you have it. Good luck, hopefully you're one of the lucky 20%. If not, you have treatment options. The sooner the better, and the more likely you are to clear on treatment if you do it when you're younger and the viral load is lower. Best wishes.

By the way, hep c is transmitted from blood to blood, not through bodily fluids.
Reply:everyone has a risk factor for hcv. everyone! seriously.... unless you've never been to the dentist, never had your nails done, or shaved at your barbers or salon or shared a toothbrush or razor....ever picked your nose after handling money, any type of surgery before 1995.....list goes on and on.

HCV whether fresh blood or dried blood can result in HCV infection if it somehow entered your blood stream. You could of been born with HCV. There are sooo many ways you can get hepatitis c....all it takes is the right circumstances. Even sex can reslult in hepatitis c infection, however, it is the least likely along with that of being born with it. mass innocluations...ect ect. ect.

Blood transmission has to occur.

I cannot stress enough at the millions of ways....

It is rare to have a "false positive" this means you acquired hcv infection and your one in 15% who had the right body chemstry to fight it off.

I was one who had a false positive, yet my symptoms never went away. come to find out, it was active chronic for almost 27 years. (6 years after the false positive).

I don't mean to bring you down with worry, but HCV is not discriminative of anyone, any age or any lifestyle. It simply sucks to be diagnosed.

BUT....being diagnosed allows for've got your is usually a blood clotting factor test (to see how fast your blood clots). If that test comes out okay, then the liver biopsy to determine the extent of liver damage.

Once that has happened and you know your genotype, you will find out how long your treatment is.

Do not rely on "cure alls" they are a waste of money. Do not begin taking Milk Thistle until your doctor okay's it. (it is the only, repeat ONLY safe herb to take regarding your HCV as with HCV there can be "bi-directional" diseases that can cause other organs to malfunction and herbs can be dangerous.

Multivitamin: Do not take any form if it has iron in it. Don't eat foods with iron in it as well, this includes some leafy greens such as spinach.

Cut down on red meats, if at all stop.

Drink green tea, tea or coffee unless you have panic attacks, drink water. Cut down on sugar, (fake or real). If you need a natural sweetener look into "Stevia". It is natural, yet not a sugar.

Read, read and read. Get over informed on the subject. Some doctors get offended, others actually enjoy talking medical terms.

Join a support group-either in person or online.

If you opt for antiviral chemotherapy, start a good antidepressant (if your not already on one, as HCV does pass the blood brain barrier, along with all the toxins the liver can't filter fast enough-due to liver damage...even the slightest)

A PCR test which is the next step, this will be a true picture of whats going on re, your hepatitis c status. (I am hoping they are wrong, re, antibody test) I wish you luck and well!

Reply:What about sexual contact, body fluid to body fluid contact?

False positives are posible, but generally not that common. Sorry. Get rechecked anyway to make sure, for your piece of mind.
Reply:It could be from your mother if she has it, she could have given it to you when you were born or if you have ever gotten a shot from a needle that has been used before and the person that used it before was infected by Hepatits C already. Also, if you used anything that had another person's blood on it. I dont know everything about it, but underneath is a website that's very helpful. If its not, just look up haepatitis C on That's what I did! Ü good luck.

love song

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