Thursday, July 9, 2009

With a(2,9)b(0,-2)c(-8,4) find the equation of AE , the altitude from a to bc explain pleease , test 2marra?

With a(2,9)b(0,-2)c(-8,4) find the equation of AE , the altitude from a to bc explain pleease , test 2marra

With a(2,9)b(0,-2)c(-8,4) find the equation of AE , the altitude from a to bc explain pleease , test 2marra?
First, find the slope of BC.

m = (4 - -2) / (-8 - 0) = (-4 + 2) / (-8) = -2 / -8 = 1/4

The slope of the altitude AE would be the negative reciprocal of that (because AE is perpendicular to BC).

So, the slope of AE is m = -4/1 = -4.

Now, you have a slope (-4) and can use point A (2, 9) to write the equation.

y - 9 = (-4)(x - 2)

y - 9 = -4x + 8

y = -4x + 17

thank you cards

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