Thursday, July 9, 2009

Visual Basic code help. I sometimes see, when I look at a shortcut that it points to, "C:\Test.exe" - console

I used "C:\Test.exe" - console" as an example. I wnat to know how to do that kind of thing using Visual Basic, I want my program to react differently when they are extra things like that. So for example:

Private Sub Button1_Click

Dim teststring As String

If teststring = "yes" Then




End Sub

Just suppose that was the code, if I just ran the program when I clicked Button1, it would take me to the next form. but if I had a shortcut which points to:

"C:\test.exe" teststring = "yes"

I would like it to just quit the program once the button is clicked, as stated in the code.

I know this is possible because I have evidence, but how?

PS: I have had answers in the past which are like:

"Why would you want to just quit the program straight away"

But I will not, this is just a sample so I can get the message across.

Thank you!

Visual Basic code help. I sometimes see, when I look at a shortcut that it points to, "C:\Test.exe" - console
You need to capture the Command line arguments. In VB.NET you can use this code:

Dim strArgs() As String = {"", "", ""}, n As Integer

For Each strArg As String In My.Application.CommandLineArgs

strArgs(n) = strArg

n += 1


Reply:in VB6 you use the Command() method, then parse it depending on which (if any) delimiters you used


Dim bTesting As Boolean

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim Cmd As String

Dim MyDelimitor

Dim ArrCmd() As String

Dim Ptr As Integer

bTesting = False

MyDelimitor = "|" ' specify a command line delimiter

Cmd = Command() ' grab the command line

ArrCmd = Split(Cmd, MyDelimitor) ' parse the command line if more than 1 command line arguement

' do something with them

For Ptr = 0 To UBound(ArrCmd)

Debug.Print ArrCmd(Ptr)

' here you might check your testing mode flag

' in this case, he have the shortcut "c:\test.exe -debug"

bTesting = CBool(UCase$(ArrCmd(Ptr) = "DEBUG"))

Next Ptr

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

If bTesting = True Then

Unload Me

End If
Reply:I am not exactly sure about this but to make testring="yes" the Dim testring As String code must be outside the Private Sub Button1_Click. Place it at the top of the code window under the heading Option Explicit. You will then have to make testring="yes" or use the code Path=C:\test.exe in another sub

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